International Champion Montana's Happy Days of JuBa-lee

Halle was Jubilee's first Mi-Ki, and with her, we became completely enamored with the breed! She is everything a Mi-Ki should be. Always "happy" as her registered name implies, Halle is a perfect blend of loving lap-warmer, animated fun-lover, and tail-wagging companion. She greets us with a toy in her mouth and a sparkle in her eyes! She is quiet, calm and well-behaved on outings, yet full of personality and "showy" in the show ring.

Halle is a beautiful girl, too. She is small, at about 4 1/2 lbs, and is very well balanced with a gorgeous head, good front and rear, level topline and proper tailset. She has very fluid movement with great reach and drive. Probably her most outstanding attribute, though, is her color. She is a deep chocolate grizzle with highlights of rich red and an adorable chocolate nose. Her coat is an easy-to-care-for silky texture that is so soft to snuggle!

Halle achieved her IABCA International Championship in her first weekend of showing with glowing critiques from the judges and earned a Group 2nd and 3rd along the way. She is a special girl. Halle's father "Fonzie" has both his IABCA and NAKC International Championships and is a Grand Sieger winner (the best of the Best in Show winners in a weekend of shows). Her litter brother "Richie" has also earned his IABCA and NAKC International Championship.

My beautiful girl has been retired from breeding. Halle had a very close call during a C-sec to deliver her gorgeous "Gone With the Wind" litter and had to have an emergency spay to save her life. I call her my "Miracle Mama" because her heart stopped twice, and yet, not only did she pull through, but she quickly recovered and went on to be a wonderful mother to her precious babies. She is such a very special girl and after much prayer I let her go to live with our wonderful friend Jane who has trained Halle to be her medic alert service dog. They come back to visit often and now both of them are Blessings in my life! Halle could not be happier because she gets to go EVERYWHERE with Jane and NEVER gets left behind. A Mi-Ki's dream life, getting to always be with their "person"!!! Jane treasures Halle as much as I continue to and gives her a kiss from her "Mama Barbara" every night :)
Multi-Champion Belle Amie's Ukulele of JuBa-lee, BIS, BSRB

We are "jubilant" to have Yuki as our beautiful stud here at Jubilee! He came to us as an adult and is so adaptable and easy-going, that he became one of the family immediately. Yuki is a "Charming Chester" grandson and he has definitely inherited the charm. He is such a joy to have around! He LOVES to go on outings and is friendly to all. Yuki's most endearing quality, though, is his incredible sweetness. He has a way of snuggling up and melting like a puddle into your lap for a tummy rub and in the process, melting your heart as well!

Before coming to Jubilee, Yuki earned two out of his three "orange cards" toward his IABCA International Championship. Then, I went on to show him, and he swept through four more shows here in Charlotte, NC, winning a BEST in SHOW, BEST in SHOW RARE BREED, two RESERVE BEST IN SHOWs, and multible Toy Group firsts. He also finished his International and American Championships. Yuki is an adorable little four and a half pound boy. He has a sturdy compact body with short legs and muzzle, nice front, and beautiful topline and tailset. In addition he floats around the show ring which made him a show-favorite time and time again!

In color, Yuki is a pretty silver brindle and white parti-color. He has a nice thick coat which is silky in texture and has been easy to keep tangle free.
We are VERY excited for our breeding program that Yuki is a chocolate
carrier! He has produced some exceptionally pretty puppies for us!!!
Yuki is available for stud to approved females
He has had his CERF (eyes), patellas, cardiac and liver enzymes clearances
We are VERY excited for our breeding program that Yuki is a chocolate
carrier! He has produced some exceptionally pretty puppies for us!!!
Yuki is available for stud to approved females
He has had his CERF (eyes), patellas, cardiac and liver enzymes clearances
International Champion Captivating Carmen of JuBa-lee

Carmen is such a "joy" all the time! As you can see, she is adorable to look at but her personality is just as adorable. Her ears are so mobile and expressive and she wags not only her tail, but her whole body! Then, when she is especially excited and just dying to get your attention, she adds a little "woof" and is completely irresistible!

Carmen is a beautiful chocolate sable and white with a chocolate nose and "captivating" hazel eyes. She has a long flowing coat already, and flowing movement, as well. Carmen finished her International Championship in September with glowing critiques from the judges! We're very proud of her!
Carmen is also a wonderful addition to our breeding program, and will produce chocolates and chocolate carrier parti-colors with our boy "Yuki". She also brings a winning pedigree to Jubilee, being the daugher of Orlando's Count Bocelli, who won Best in Show at the Orlando Mi-Ki Specialty in 2010!
Carmen is also a wonderful addition to our breeding program, and will produce chocolates and chocolate carrier parti-colors with our boy "Yuki". She also brings a winning pedigree to Jubilee, being the daugher of Orlando's Count Bocelli, who won Best in Show at the Orlando Mi-Ki Specialty in 2010!

Carmen has produced some beautiful puppies for us at Jubilee! We think she still looks pretty good here at 7 weeks pregnant. Carmen is a wonderful mother and you can see her babies on our "Puppies" page!
Int Champion Lancaster's Spoonful of Sugar

Poppins is such a little LOVE! She truly is just a little spoonful of SUGAR. We're excited to introduce a completely different line into our breeding program which will help us maintain diversity in our gene pool! Poppins is a beautiful black and white part-color and has a full silky coat. She has an absolutely gorgeous short muzzle and big dark eyes that are wide set, and has very good structure and beautiful movement! She will make a wonderful show dog and we can't wait to show her when she grows up a little!

Poppins loves everyone! She is perky and playful and has a special "Pop-Up" dance she does when she is happy - popping up on her hind legs and pawing the air with her front feet! So CUTE!!! Poppins also loves to give kisses and wags her adorable well-set curled tail with absolute JOY!
She is also very smart and hasn't had a single accident since she arrived 7 weeks ago - amazing!
She is also very smart and hasn't had a single accident since she arrived 7 weeks ago - amazing!

Poppins is growing up to be so beautiful! Not only is her face and expression exceptional, but her topline and overall outline are too. We are so excited to have her as part of our family! We're also thrilled that her black has stayed a dark shiny black which is wonderful for our breeding program.

Poppins passed her heart, eyes and patella tests for breeding when she turned 1, and then went on to qualify for her International Championship with wonderful critiques from the judges. We're so excited she is a part of our Jubilee family! Now, Poppins has produced some of the cutest babies for us, and they can be seen on our puppy page in our "previous puppies" section.
Multi Puppy Champion Belle Amie's Run For The Roses

When I saw this adorable face, I knew I had to have her for our breeding program! Julep has been such a sweet addition to our family here and just fit in right away.

Julep has the sweetest expression, she just melts my heart when I look at her! She has beautiful highlights and rich caramel tones in her coat with black tips. One judge at a recent show stated that "women pay hundreds of dollars to color their hair like hers"!!! Not to mention that her coat is thick, silky and luxurious, and doesn't tangle - can't get better than that!

Julep is growing up to be an absolutely beautiful
Mi-Ki. I showed her at 8 months of age and not only did she earn her Int and Amer Puppy Championships with glowing reports from the judges, but she won a Toy Group 3, two Group 2s, and a Group 1 along the way! Then she went on to win Best Rare Breed Puppy in Show!!! Julep also won hearts throughout the show with her amazing personality, happy, friendly attitude and enthusiastically wagging tail! One judge told me that was "going to take her home!" and another said that she and Poppins had completely changed her opinion of the breed with their quality and wonderful temperaments. I couldn't have been prouder of them!!!
Mi-Ki. I showed her at 8 months of age and not only did she earn her Int and Amer Puppy Championships with glowing reports from the judges, but she won a Toy Group 3, two Group 2s, and a Group 1 along the way! Then she went on to win Best Rare Breed Puppy in Show!!! Julep also won hearts throughout the show with her amazing personality, happy, friendly attitude and enthusiastically wagging tail! One judge told me that was "going to take her home!" and another said that she and Poppins had completely changed her opinion of the breed with their quality and wonderful temperaments. I couldn't have been prouder of them!!!

At home, Julep LOVES being "Auntie Julep" to the JuBa-lee puppies. She adores playing with them and is so sweet and gentle. As you can see, the adoration goes both ways, LOL.! Now that's Puppy Love!!!