Home of Jubilee Mi-Kis
Jubilee Mi-Kis reside with me, Barbara Briggs in Greensboro, NC. My two grown children have recently flown the coop and my nest is now only filled with dog beds! luckily my two-legged children still come by to visit a lot and love their Mi-Ki brothers and sisters. I am a small hobby breeder and my Mi-Kis live with me in my home as part of my family. I have been an animal lover from birth and spent many years researching dogs and attending dog shows before ever having any dogs of my own. For several years, I was involved with the local Golden Retriever Club and Rescue and showed and bred my Goldens. I loved my Goldens, but find that Mi-Kis fit much better on my lap! This special breed has completely captured my heart!

My two-legged children and #1 joy
10 years ago, I went back to college to pursue a new career in nursing and now work as an RN. My son, Connor, and daughter, Julianne, are very close and we all love spending time with each other when we can. They both graduated from a visual and performing arts high school and currently work full time. Connor plans to pursue classes and a career in Music Production. He is enjoying living independently, although his mother has missed having him around :( . My daughter, Julianne, moved out more recently and enjoys performing in local plays when possible. Her real passion is creative writing, however, and I carry her first story, written in kindergarten, in my wallet. I'm quite proud of them both! She is also attending classes at a local college.

Our Shih Tzu, Kirby, and kitty, Willow
The word "jubilee" in my kennel name, Jubilee Mi-Kis, means "a celebration or a season of joy" . Having been raised in a Christian family, I like the connection with the celebrations in the Bible,
and my Mi-Kis have certainly brought a "season of joy" to my life! They make me smile and laugh everyday :)
and my Mi-Kis have certainly brought a "season of joy" to my life! They make me smile and laugh everyday :)